Netflix India is all set to kick off 2024 with its first original series, “Killer Soup,” directed by Abhishek Chaubey. The thriller promises a blend of genres with a narrative that revolves around Swathi Shetty, an aspiring chef played by Konkona Sensharma, whose world takes unexpected turns involving her husband Prabhakar and lover Umesh, both portrayed by Manoj Bajpayee. The trailer, set against the backdrop of the fictitious town of Mainjur, offers glimpses into the dramatic and vibrant world of amateur villains, amateur heroes, and amateurs in between.
The series, described as “very, very loosely inspired by a news headline,” features a stellar cast, including Nasser, Sayaji Shinde, Lal, Anbuthasan, Anula Navlekar, and Kani Kusruti in pivotal roles. “Killer Soup” is set to stream on Netflix starting January 11, and it marks Abhishek Chaubey’s first complete web series venture. Actor Manoj Bajpayee expressed excitement about playing a double role in this surreal pot-boiler, while Konkona Sensharma highlighted the depth and darkness of her character, Swathi Shetty. The series is anticipated to deliver a unique and thrilling experience, blending crime, suspense, and a touch of humor.