The recent news of Salman Khan allegedly backing out from Karan Johar’s film, “The Bull,” left fans disappointed. However, there’s good news on the horizon. According to exclusive information, the reports about Salman Khan and Karan Johar not collaborating for “The Bull” are unfounded. An industry insider revealed, “Salman and Karan Johar’s collaboration is very much intact, and they are indeed working together on ‘The Bull.’ Both the superstar and filmmaker are eagerly anticipating this collaboration, marking their reunion after 25 years since their last project, ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.'”
Contrary to rumors suggesting Salman Khan declined the offer and backed out from “The Bull,” this speculation holds no truth. Karan Johar himself confirmed the collaboration with Salman Khan after 25 years through his social media announcement, teasing, “25 years later, we will finally have a story to tell again… not saying any more than that.”
Expressing gratitude towards Salman Khan, Karan Johar acknowledged the superstar’s pivotal role as Aman in “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.” Despite other actors rejecting the role, Salman Khan believed in Karan’s vision and accepted the part, which remains cherished by fans. The character of Aman continues to resonate strongly with audiences, with many expressing the sentiment that Anjali should have married Aman instead of Rahul, portrayed by Shah Rukh Khan.
With Salman Khan’s involvement in “The Bull” confirmed, fans are eagerly awaiting the project. Additionally, Salman Khan is gearing up to commence shooting for his next film alongside Shah Rukh Khan, titled “Tiger Vs Pathaan.”