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Raveena Tandon’s Daughter Rasha Thadani Faces Backlash Over Bollywood Debut Despite Disastrous Audition

Rasha Thadani, daughter of Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon, is making headlines as she gears up for her debut in the film industry. However, the journey to her first movie role hasn’t been smooth sailing, as she faces heavy criticism and trolling from netizens.

In a recent interview, Rasha candidly admitted that her audition for Abhishek Kapoor’s upcoming movie was a “complete disaster.” Despite her lackluster performance, she managed to secure the role, leading to widespread speculation about the influence of her mother’s fame in her casting. Netizens wasted no time in labeling her a “nepo kid,” accusing her of benefiting from her family connections rather than her own talent.

The backlash intensified when a Reddit user shared Rasha’s interview, prompting a flurry of negative comments. One user sarcastically remarked, “Perks of being a nepo kid,” while another disparaged her career prospects, stating, “Other nepos are gonna eat her up.” Some even took jabs at her family, suggesting that her father’s connections might be the key to her survival in the industry.

Critics didn’t spare Raveena Tandon either, accusing her of trying too hard to pave the way for her daughter’s success. Amidst the barrage of criticism, one user lamented, “Raveena is trying so hard to make her successful and it seems to not be working.”

Despite the onslaught of negativity, Rasha remains undeterred, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to work with Abhishek Kapoor, whom she regards as one of the greatest directors. Reflecting on her audition experience, she acknowledged her shortcomings but believes that Kapoor saw potential in her that warranted giving her a chance.

Rasha’s journey to stardom hasn’t been easy, as she juggled between her school commitments and film shoots. Describing her hectic schedule, she revealed that she would attend school in the morning, followed by workshops and shooting sessions, before returning home to complete her homework.

While critics may question Rasha’s credentials and accuse her of riding on her family’s coattails, she remains focused on proving herself as an actor. Despite the challenges she faces, Rasha is determined to carve out her own path in the fiercely competitive world of Bollywood.

As she prepares to make her debut on the big screen, Rasha is well aware of the scrutiny and criticism that come with being a star kid. However, with determination and perseverance, she is determined to silence her detractors and make her mark in the industry on the basis of her talent and hard work alone. Only time will tell if Rasha Thadani can overcome the odds and emerge as a shining star in her own right.

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