The romantic comedy “Do Aur Do Pyaar,” starring Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, Ileana D’Cruz, and Sendhil Ramamurthy, directed by Shirsha Guha Thakurta, hit theaters on Friday. According to a report, the film raked in an estimated ₹85 lakh nett on its second day at the domestic box office.
On its opening day, “Do Aur Do Pyaar” collected ₹55 lakh nett in India, bringing its total to approximately ₹1.4 crore nett within two days of release. The film recorded an overall Hindi occupancy of 13.72 percent on Saturday, with Chennai boasting the highest occupancy at 40 percent.
Critics have noted the film’s exploration of the complexities of modern relationships, particularly its portrayal of the dilemmas faced by couples in marriages and affairs. Hindustan Times’ review praised director Shirsha Guha Thakurta for presenting genuine characters dealing with real-life issues, without resorting to preachiness or larger-than-life portrayals.
Vidya Balan’s role in “Do Aur Do Pyaar” marks her return to the silver screen after her last appearance in “Neeyat” (2023), making it her first release of 2024. Similarly, it is Pratik Gandhi’s second film this year following “Madgaon Express,” while Ileana D’Cruz makes her comeback after a hiatus of five years since “Pagalpanti” (2019). Sendhil Ramamurthy, known for his role in “Shor in the City” (2010), returns to Bollywood with his second project.
The film’s storyline delves into the intricacies of extra-marital affairs and the challenges faced by couples in navigating modern relationships. It offers a slice-of-life portrayal that resonates with audiences, portraying relatable characters dealing with genuine problems.
As “Do Aur Do Pyaar” continues to draw audiences to theaters, its success reflects not only the star power of its cast but also the universal appeal of its storyline. With positive reviews and steady box office numbers, the film reaffirms the enduring popularity of romantic comedies in Indian cinema.