Amidst her intense campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections, Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has opened up about the rigors of the electoral hustle, asserting that it far surpasses the challenges of her cinematic career. The acclaimed star, who is contesting from the Mandi constituency in Himachal Pradesh as a BJP candidate, shared insights into her grueling campaign journey, shedding light on the arduous terrain and demanding schedule.
In a candid Instagram story, Kangana revealed the taxing nature of her campaign trail, recounting a day where she traversed a staggering 450 kilometers through rural mountainous regions with treacherous roads. Despite facing such daunting circumstances, including irregular meal timings and limited breaks, Kangana expressed her awe at the sheer intensity of the political hustle, contrasting it starkly with the perceived struggles of the film industry.
Kangana’s foray into politics marks a significant shift from her illustrious career in Bollywood. Having made a name for herself with critically acclaimed performances and box office successes, the actor now embarks on a new journey in the realm of governance, driven by a sense of duty and purpose.
The decision to contest from the Mandi constituency underscores Kangana’s commitment to her roots and her desire to contribute to the welfare of her home state. Speaking after filing her nomination, Kangana expressed gratitude for the opportunity to represent Mandi, emphasizing her aspiration to bring about positive change and make a meaningful impact in the political arena.
Meanwhile, amidst her political endeavors, the release of Kangana’s much-anticipated film, “Emergency,” has faced delays. The political drama, which sees Kangana essaying the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was slated for release but now awaits a new release date. Despite the setbacks, the film remains highly anticipated, promising an insightful portrayal of a pivotal moment in Indian political history.
Directed by Kangana herself, “Emergency” boasts a stellar cast including Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik. As the project continues to generate buzz, fans eagerly await its unveiling, eager to witness Kangana’s transformative portrayal of one of India’s most iconic political figures.
In navigating the dual roles of actor and politician, Kangana Ranaut exemplifies resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her journey serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the power of conviction and the courage to embrace new challenges in pursuit of one’s goals. As she continues to make waves in both realms, Kangana remains a formidable force, leaving an indelible mark on Indian cinema and politics alike.