Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai has marked the debut of Hritik Roshan and Ameesha Patel which was released 24 years ago. Rakesh Roshan’s film marked a huge commercial success. In this era of sequels, fans have been waiting for the sequel of this iconic romance drama. The film gave Bollywood its Greek God. After the release of Gadar 2 last year, fans have been more eagerly waiting for the sequel of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. Here’s what we know about the movie.
Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai was released in 2000 and had become the highest-grossing film of the year. Hrithik instantly became the heartthrob of all. And the Hrithik and Ameesha became a hit. They also worked together in the film Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage. Previous year, Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel reunited for the sequel 9f 2001 film Gadar and became a huge success.
Recently, in an Ask Me Anything session on X, Ameesha Patel was asked her when is the sequel of the Kaho Na Pyaar Hai can be expected. She then replied, “Well. All I can say is with confidence. When the tickets counters are mentally prepared for 60 crores plus opening,, tab I guess thats Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai 2 for u on screens that v day.”
A fan also questioned about the same, they replied, “Can we have Kaho na Pyar hai – part 2?” Ameesha Patel wrote, “Like I already said. When industry is ready for havoc again. Means it’s KAHO na pyaar hai 2 for u.” The tweet concluded with some fire emojis.
After watching all this it can be said that Ameesha Patel is willing to reunite with Hrithik Roshan. According to Ameesha Patel, if the sequel of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai releases, it will mark a huge success at the box office. The film won Guinness World Records and Limca Book of Records.
After Ameesha Patel’s post, fans have been eagerly waiting for the announcement of the film’s sequel.