In the popular TV serial Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, the storyline has taken yet another dramatic twist with the unexpected return of Ruhi to the Poddar house. Previously, Ruhi had left the house, leading many to believe that her chapter was closed. However, her return has brought a whirlwind of emotions and complications, particularly for Armaan and Abhira. Also Read- Did Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody Ended Up Their Relationship? Actress Fuels Breakup Rumors After Unfollowing Rumored Boyfriend on Instagram! Read Now to Get Full Details
Ruhi, portrayed by Garvita Sadhwani, makes her comeback during the Mangla Gauri celebrations, a significant event that already had the household buzzing with activity. Her reappearance catches everyone off guard, especially when she embraces Rohit Poddar and announces her intention to give their marriage another chance. This declaration sends shockwaves through the family, as it was widely understood that Ruhi and Rohit’s relationship was beyond repair.
While Armaan, played by Rohit Purohit, seems convinced that Ruhi has genuinely had a change of heart, Abhira, portrayed by Samridhii Shukla, is not so easily swayed. Abhira’s instincts tell her that Ruhi’s return is not as innocent as it seems. The new precap for Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai confirms her suspicions, revealing Ruhi’s true motives.
In a dramatic twist, the precap shows Abhira confronting Manish Goenka, questioning why Ruhi has returned to the Poddar house. Abhira is seen struggling to understand Ruhi’s sudden change of heart, especially given her previous desire to leave. The tension builds as the footage cuts to Ruhi, who reveals in no uncertain terms that her real reason for coming back is Armaan. She is determined to win him over at any cost, stating her willingness to cross any line to prevent Armaan and Abhira from uniting.
This revelation confirms Abhira’s worst fears. Ruhi is not interested in reconciling with Rohit; instead, she is using him as a pawn to get closer to Armaan. Her intentions are far from noble, as she plans to unleash her villainous side to drive a wedge between Armaan and Abhira. The precap makes it clear that Ruhi will stop at nothing to achieve her goal, setting the stage for intense drama and conflict.
In response to this threat, Abhira seeks the help of Manish Goenka, believing that he is the only one who can save the Poddar house from the turmoil Ruhi is about to bring. Manish’s wisdom and experience make him a crucial ally in their struggle against Ruhi’s schemes. Abhira’s plea for help highlights the gravity of the situation and sets the stage for a battle of wits and wills. Also Read- Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha Box Office Collection Day 3: Ajay Devgn And Tabu’s Film Mints ₹6 crore In India
As the story unfolds, viewers can expect high-stakes drama as Abhira and Armaan navigate the challenges posed by Ruhi’s return. The dynamics within the Poddar house are set to change dramatically, with alliances being tested and relationships strained to the breaking point. The tension between Ruhi, Armaan, and Abhira will undoubtedly keep fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting each new episode to see how the characters will respond to the unfolding chaos.
The return of Ruhi has added a new layer of complexity to the ongoing saga, promising plenty of twists and turns. Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai continues to captivate its audience with its intricate plotlines and compelling characters, ensuring that the drama is far from over. The coming episodes will reveal whether Abhira and Armaan can overcome Ruhi’s machinations and find their way back to each other, or if Ruhi will succeed in her quest to reclaim Armaan.