Sidharth Malhotra is gearing up to captivate audiences with his upcoming film, Yodha, centered around a gripping tale of a plane hijack. The movie, generating buzz since its announcement, promises a thrilling narrative where a soldier takes charge, aiding passengers in a battle against terrorists. The complexity of the challenge intensifies as issues with the flight engine emerge. The anticipation surrounding the film has now reached new heights with the release of its official trailer, showcasing Sidharth’s remarkable performance. The star-studded cast also includes Disha Patani, Raashii Khanna, and Suniel Shetty in pivotal roles.
Yodha marks the directorial debut of the talented duo Pushkar Ojha and Sagar Ambre, with Dharma Productions taking charge of production. The film is backed by industry stalwarts Hiroo Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Shashank Khaitan. Karan Johar, who initially launched Sidharth Malhotra with Student Of The Year, has consistently faced accusations of promoting nepotism in the industry.
Addressing the persistent trolling during the Yodha trailer launch, Karan Johar firmly put an end to the nepotism debate. Emphatically, he stated, “Shashank Khaitan, Disha Patani, Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, and even the directors are also outsiders. Yodha has all outsiders.” This declaration serves as a clear response to critics who have criticized him for allegedly favoring star kids over outsiders.
However, as discussions unfolded during the Yodha trailer launch in Ahemdabad, producer Apoorva Mehta faced inquiries about the possibility of establishing a Yodha universe, akin to other successful film universes. The query reflects the curiosity surrounding potential expansions or connections within the Yodha narrative, setting the stage for further excitement and speculation among fans.