Divya Agarwal has deleted all of her wedding pictures with her husband Apurva Padgaonkar after their marriage of just three months. It has been speculated that the couple is heading for divorce. Apurva has detained a few pictures of him and Divya, Divya on the other hand has deleted all her wedding photos from her Instagram account. This has sparked the divorce rumours of the couple.
Diya and Apurva have tied knot on February 20, 2024 ar their home in a traditional way. The couple has happily greeted the media and enjoyed their big day at it’s best. After this, fans have been waiting to know what’s wrong between the couple.
Divya have been dating Varun Sood for a while before her relationship with Apurva. After the separation of Divya and Varun fans were left in shock and her new relation with Apurva was judged a lot. Divya was even called as a gold digger and with more names afer her relationship announcement with Apurva just after breaking up with Varun. Divya Agarwal didn’t care about any of them and in an interview with Bombay Times said, ” I have won reality shows and have been a part of three web shows, I am an independent girl. Also, can’t a woman want a partner who is also settled in his career? Is that being a gold digger? If I was a gold digger, I would not have worked hard and built a career, I would have found a rich guy and settled down”. Also Read – Bigg Boss OTT Winner Divya Agarwal’s Traditional Maharashtrian Wedding With Apurva Padgaonkar
Few days back Divya Agarwal and Apurva was spotted at a public event. Divya said that she is feeling more loved after her marriage. The couple yet haven’t gave any statement about their divorce rumours.