Amazon miniTV recently launched the much-anticipated third season of its popular dramedy, “Chacha Vidhayak Hain Humare.” This latest installment takes viewers back into the world of Ronny, a carefree young man from Indore whose sole aim in life is to enjoy it without any effort. Season 3 promises to delve deeper into Ronny’s journey, introducing new characters and challenges that push him to confront his life’s dilemmas head-on. It’s a tale of self-discovery as Ronny must muster his inner strength to navigate through the hurdles he encounters.
The series boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Zakir Khan in the lead role, alongside Abhimanyu Singh, Amruta Khanvilkar, Alka Amin, Vyom Sharma, Venus Singh, and newcomer Kumar Varun as Kranti. These actors bring their characters to life, adding depth and dimension to the narrative.
Amruta Khanvilkar shines in her portrayal of Surekha, a poised and politically astute woman. Reflecting on her character, Amruta describes Surekha as powerful and focused, a departure from roles she’s played in the past. She expresses her admiration for the series, labeling it as one of the finest web series she’s been a part of. Working on “Chacha Vidhayak Hain Humare” felt like a homecoming for Amruta, surrounded by a supportive and talented cast and crew. She acknowledges the lessons learned during this journey, emphasizing the importance of finding beauty in simplicity.
Additionally, Amruta shares her experience of collaborating with Zakir Khan, expressing her admiration for his humility and wisdom. She highlights Zakir’s ability to impart valuable insights about life and art, making him someone worth encountering at least once.
The new season of “Chacha Vidhayak Hain Humare” is available for streaming exclusively on Amazon miniTV, accessible for free within the Amazon shopping app. Viewers can also watch it on Prime Video, Fire TV, Smart TVs, or by downloading the app from the Play Store.
In summary, the third season of “Chacha Vidhayak Hain Humare” promises to captivate audiences with its engaging storyline, compelling characters, and stellar performances. With its blend of humor, drama, and heartfelt moments, it continues to uphold its reputation as a must-watch series.