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Bhuvan Bam Responds to Anurag Kashyap’s Praise, Acknowledging Being Seen as an Exception as the Influencers Can’t Act: Says “Feeling to Acchi Hai”

Bhuvan Bam, known for his comedic prowess on YouTube, has successfully navigated into the realm of acting with projects like “Dhindora” and “Taaza Khabar” under his belt. Recently, his acting skills garnered praise from renowned filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who lauded him as an exception to the belief that influencers cannot act. Reflecting on this unexpected accolade, Bhuvan shared his surprise and gratitude, stating, “I never thought this would come so soon in life. Feeling to acchi hai.” Also Read- Dhindora 2: Bhuvan Bam Confirms That the Upcoming Season Will Be a Complete Romantic Comedy Centered Around Titu Mama! Read More to Know More

For Bhuvan, the praise from Anurag Kashyap resonated deeply because he had previously expressed a desire for recognition from him. “There’s an old vlog on my channel where I have said that if I get appreciated by two people in life, my life will be fulfilled, and one of those people is Anurag Kashyap. Ek baar bol diya tha to chala gaya hoga universe mein,” he recalled with satisfaction. Despite feeling encouraged by Kashyap’s words, Bhuvan remains grounded, acknowledging that he still has a long way to go in his acting journey.

However, Bhuvan is no stranger to the challenges and biases faced by influencers and social media personalities who transition into acting. “These assumptions do take place and I don’t blame anyone for it as no one had seen such a transition before,” he explained. The divide between traditional actors and influencers attempting acting roles is stark, with many skeptics believing that influencers lack the necessary skills or depth. Bhuvan understands this perception well but remains determined to break stereotypes and change minds. “You have to change the mind of the hierarchy and this point of proving yourself will never go,” he asserted, acknowledging that the labels and judgments will persist.

Despite the hurdles, Bhuvan sees the immense power of social media in shaping careers and influencing global trends. “Social media actually runs the world for me,” he admitted. The platform’s impact is undeniable, driving economies and providing countless individuals, including himself, with opportunities they might not have had otherwise. However, Bhuvan also acknowledges the darker side of social media, where authenticity can be overshadowed by a quest for validation and superficial displays of success. “There is also a lot of fakeness on it,” he noted. “It has turned into a medium where we try to find color in our black-and-white life through it, just so that we can show that our life is different.” Also Read- Chaawat Song Released! The Lively Wedding Anthem From the Film Sarfira, Featuring Akshay Kumar and Radhika Madan, Promises to Captivate and Charm the Audience; Read More to Get Full Details!

As Bhuvan continues to navigate his dual roles as a content creator and actor, he remains focused on authenticity and proving his worth in the face of skepticism. With each new project, he strives to not only entertain but also challenge perceptions and broaden the horizons of what influencers can achieve in the world of acting. With the support of his fans and occasional praise from industry stalwarts like Anurag Kashyap, Bhuvan Bam is steadily carving a path that defies conventional boundaries and celebrates the evolving landscape of entertainment.

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